Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Why is prayer so hard?

I am a struggling prayer. I admit that one of the hardest spiritual disciplines for me to make a strong habit is prayer. I go through phases. Sometimes I will pray everday, 20 to 30 minutes a day. But more often If I pray at all, it is a quick few minutes. Many times though I will go weeks without a steady prayer life. What is wrong with me?
I sometimes feel that I am abnormal. Theoretically this shouldn't be that hard. I have tried to write out my prayers, keep a prayer journal, and even to pray the daily office, yet time and time again I falter, forget, or just don't do it.
I remember my father saying that the things that seem to be the hardest to do, are probably going to be the most fruitful. I see Jesus in the NT praying constantly, pulling himself away, and praying. I preach and teach on prayer, and its importance for life. Yet when it actually comes to getting down on my knees and praying, I sense something struggling against me to not allow me to pray. Intelectually I am convinced of the power of prayer. Yet my experiences don't give weight to my heart to its truthfulness. No, I am not saying I don't believe in prayer, I am saying I don't want to know what prayer is, I want to experience prayer in my life. I want to be like my elderly aunt who is so intertwined with God in prayer it is as if they are communing constantly. Does this take discipline? probably. But I think it takes more than this. It has to take a divine touch of strength and focus.
Well, I am writing this having only prayed for a few minutes this morning. I wonder if I should stop writing and pray.

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