Friday, June 03, 2005

I have to be honest, as a relatively new blogger, I am sometimes intimidated by my own BLOG. I have been reading some other more experienced journalists and writers, and after reading them, I wonder what I have to say that is that profound. Nothing I guess.
I see them post sections of exotic poetry written by someone that most everyone else reading seems to have memorized. I see intellectual books being mentioned, must reads, drawing me to feel like I am not in the "know" yet, when I have books on my shelf that I haven't even touched. And I am struck by my own inabitity to communicate like these fellow Bloggers.
I guess it will come with time. I tell myself that if I dedicate to write something, anything, everyday, than my writing craft will sharpen, and soon people will be reading my Blogs; impressed by the breadth of my reading, and intimidated to write themselves. Maybe I don't want that. Maybe I just want to be me. An inexperienced, unimpressive Blogger. Wait, I seem to remember something...simple is better. Jesus was simple. I wonder if he would have read exotic poetry? Maybe. But I am sure his aim in reading it wouldn't be to impress others. I wonder if Jesus would have been a Blogger? Probably. He was a master communicator, telling stories and all. But he wouldn't have done it to impress people. I guess that by the end of this post, I have decided to just be me. I have no poem to add to this either.

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