Friday, July 15, 2005


I decided to pick a new Blog template. Blogger only gives you so many to choose from, so I wasn't terribly pleased with my choice, but it is better than the others I guess. I switched not because I didn't like the other, but this one is easier to add links to other blogs and websites. And sometimes you just need change.

I am one of those people who am always looking for the "new", "better", and "rearranged". I am fascinated by those that are out on the edge, flirting with radical. Sometimes this is to my own detriment for everything "edgy" and "new" is not good. Lately, God is showing me the blessing of the historic. Christianity is historic. Like a good Wesleyan, I know the Wesleyan quadrilateral, or the four foundations for our Christian faith, and one of them is tradition. We stand on the shoulders of those that came before us, and their lessons teach us what it means to be a follower of Jesus.
Unfortunately, many of us have a mistaken view of time. We believe that as time "progresses", everything else "progresses" or gets better. Of course our technology has increase, as well as our economies, but this for the most part is a mistake. King Solomon said, "there is nothing new under the sun", and yet many of us believe that we are going through a time when everything is "fresh" and "new" and there is nothing the past can teach us. Of course, this is fictional, and I am beginning to reconnect with the historic. Don't know where I am going with all of this, just letting the brain guide the keys until they have reached their destination. End of post.


Anonymous said...

Wise words.

Unknown said...

Thank you a. Hmm, I just sounded Canadian.

Bryan said...

I am beginning to reconnect with the historic.

Yeah, I know what you mean about this. Over the last two years, I've wanted to be more connected to the historic church. There is much to learn from the church's past. For me, things like praying the Office have been life-changing.

Unknown said...

Bryan, I too am doing the daily office. So we pray together. Cool.

Greek and Hebrew study is good, but the Holy Spirit is your decoder. Ingest the word and he will connect you.
Also, have you heard of praying the daily office? if not, lets talk about it.

Bryan said...

Yeah, that is cool Ben. Another reason I enjoy the office.