Monday, July 11, 2005

monday, monday

It is monday morning and my day off. My Mondays are special because I get to spend the day with my son Cole. He is very cool, and growing like a weed. He is about 7 months old, and is learning new stuff every day.
I am feeling kind of weird lately, ever since the bombings in London. I know that these bombings were not here, but it is a reminder of our own vulnerability. Yesterday, as I was shaking hands at the front door of the churhc after service, one of the church members told me an amazing story related to the bombings. His daughter is in school at Oxford and was to take a bus into the city that morning, but for some reason the bus's schedule got messed up and was late and they missed it. God's hand is evident in the world.
He also made the comment, that we just don't know what it is like to live in a place that suffers bombings so frequently. He was referring to London in the 70's and 80's with all of the IRA bombings, but he is right, we don't know what it is like.
We don't understand violence like they do in Sierra Leone, or Rwanda. We don't understand poverty like they do in Haiti. We don't understand persecution of Christians like they do in China and Egypt. Sometimes I think we are blessed, but other times I think we are ignorant. What if we understood it better, would we do more with the blessings of resources we have to help in these different areas?
Well, my son is getting restless in his stroller, better go.

God, help me and the community of believers I am a part of to realize the responsibility we have to care for the hurting, reach out to the outcasts, and love the unloveable. Help us to see how we are selfish with our blessings, and how we can be used to bless others.

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