Monday, March 13, 2006

A Lack of Intentionality

I heard something interesting today, that although it was new to me, its truth seems like it has been inside me for a long time. It was a statement about procrastination. "The opposite of procrastination is intention".

I have always struggled with procrastination. I have beat myself up over it for years. I usually get things done (usually), but I continually wait until the last minute. I have told myself that this is just a part of my makeup, my personality. But, there is something inside of me that says that is not fully true.

So, what does it mean that procrastination's opposite is intentionality? The person who stated this to me told me that those that procrastinate are not intentional, and this could be for many different reasons. Maybe their afraid, maybe they are insecure, maybe they unsure of the future. What ever the reason, rather than jumping up and doing what needs to be done, they push it off, hide their head in the sand, and wait.

I don't like to be a procrastinator. I want to be intentional.

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