Wednesday, August 31, 2005

What is Really Needed.

I knew this was coming. As soon as I heard that Katrina was going to probably hit New Orleans I could already begin to predict some of the horrible comments that would be made by Christians about it. You know, the comments like, "Well, New Orleans is full of a lot of bad stuff, God just wanted to get their attention and punish them." This statement is akin to Jerry Falwell's unbelievable quote about 9/11 being because of the homosexuals in NYC.

Why do we do this? I say "we", because unfortunately when christians standup and make stupid, insensitive, and judgmental statments like this, they are not only representing themselves, they are misrepresenting the cause of Christ and all who call themselves Christian. It is our charge, I believe, to help correct Christians thinkings on issues like this. It doesn't matter what natural disaster or other catastrophe it is, there have been Christians who use it to say God was trying to punish someone for something. People said the tsunami was a result of the people in southeast asia being Islamic. It makes me sick.

First, these acts are not from God, for he is not the author of evil and pain, rather, they are the result of a world that we live in that is not what it was supposed to be. This world was cursed by our sin, and because of that, it is "groaning to return to its original state". Things like hurricanes, tornadoes, and tsunamis are not God's rod of correction, rather, they are a result of our world being under the cusre of sin and death.

Second, there were too many people who are living in relationship with God that were affected by Katrina, and the other disasters, to say that God was punishing people for their sin. Too many children and innocent bystanders were involved.

Third, it is just not how God works. I know, this might sound arrogant to say that I know how God works. I am not saying that I understand his thoughts and his ways, for I don't, I accept the mystery of him. However, He has revealed himself and part of his character to us through his word and through his Son Jesus Christ. If Jesus is the ultimate revelation of God, what about Jesus and who he is would tell us that God would do something like this? I challenge each of us to read the gospels and see for ourselves what attributes God chose to reveal to us through Jesus, and how they fit with this question. We shouldn't say that God sent a hurricane to New Orleans to punish the city for its sins because it is contrary to what we know of God and his character. Jesus went to the sinners and rather than punishing them, he welcomed them, ate with them, and spoke to them. He stood by the prostitute while the Jewish men had stones to stone her, not defending her in the sense that he was explaining away her sins, but accepting her and helping others to realize their own sins and to no judge.

It totally alludes me how Christians, (especially Christian Leaders), can claim to be a follower of Jesus of Nazareth and make statements like these. THIS IS NOT WHAT IS NEEDED! What is really needed is for us to not use our mouths to condemn, for we ourselves are sinners, but to use our hands to reach out and to comfort the hurting, house the homeless, and feed the hungry. We need to help rebuild the city of New Orleans, not stand over the destruction and say "I told you so". Christ is not in that.


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For some reason I have been getting spam in my comments. Does anyone know the best way to stop this in blogger.

Bryan said...

Have you tried turning on spam blocker?

Bryan said...

I guess it's actually called "word verification."