Thursday, August 25, 2005

A Few Days in the Woods

My wife and I just got done packing the car for a trip to the Smoky Mnt. National Park. We are going to tent camp for a few days. This will be the first time we have tried tent camping with our son Cole. He is only 8 months old. We'll see how it goes.

I am going to take along with me, Thomas Merton's "The Sign of Jonas". I have been wanting to read more of it, but never have had the time. Merton and the woods, sounds like a good fit.

I have been having some thoughts for the last few weeks about a series of posts I want to write. I haven't finished my thoughts on catechism, but I will come back to that. This new series is on the church and its attempts to be relevant to the culture it is in. To give away my thoughts before I go deeper; I believe that God desires for us first to be authentic, and in authenticity, true relevance comes out. More later.

Off to the woods....


Bryan said...

Sign of Jonas is a good read. Enjoy it!

Unknown said...

I didn't get as much read as I would have liked, but I did have a wonderful time. We saw a bear on a trail we did. It was in a tree eating branches. I didn't know this, but black bears spend most of their time in trees. We tried to get a picture, but it was too covered by the trees. Good time though. I will post some pictures on the picture page.

John said...


Nice blog!

BTW- I remember you. I used to work in the SPO. I was the big guy with the gotee. (Oh, well, that would be Scott McCutcheon. I guess I was the tall-ish big guy with the gotee.)

Anyway, nice I'll be checking back to see what you come up with lay-out wise. I like how clean your blog is in its overall look. Can't wait to see how you tweek the 3 column look.