Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Brother Roger killed

Taize's founder stabbed to death
09:27 AEST Wed Aug 17 2005

Brother Roger, one of the 2Oth century's leading ecumenical figures, was stabbed to death by a woman during a service at the Taize community he founded in eastern France, police said.



Monk-in-Training said...

On the morning of 17 August, after Brother Roger’s death, the following prayer was read in the church:

“Christ of compassion, You enable us to be in communion with those who have gone before us, and who can remain so close to us. We confide into Your hands our Brother Roger. He already contemplates the Invisible. In his footsteps, You are preparing us to welcome a radiance of Your brightness.”

Unknown said...

God, may we follow in the footsteps of your servant Brother Roger, as he followed in the footsteps of Jesus of Nazareth. May our lives not be concerned for our own interests but for your kingdoms' interests, and for the interests of others. Thank you for lives like Br. Roger's that have been used to further your kingdom here on Earth. Amen.