Thursday, July 13, 2006

holiness huh?

I don't have too long to blog this morning but I thought I would put some thoughts down that have been running through my head. These thoughts are about being a creation built in the image of God. What does that mean? N.T. Wright says that any 1st century Jew would have read the creation account in Genesis and instinctively known that the image language was referring to an ancient kingdom mindset, when the king who had conquered a foriegn land would place an image, or a sculpture of himself in the middle of the cities of that land, to be a visual reminder to all that lived there that there is a king ruling over this land.

Well, what does that mean for us. I simply apply that to my life and say that I am to reflect the king's values in this world. Easier said than done. And then that brings me to another thought. the Bible says that we are to be "holy as God is holy", yet I had always grown up in my church tradition thinking holiness is "right personal action and presentation". I believe my thoughts are starting to change with this. What if holiness is this image bearing stuff? What if to be holy is to be God-like, and that means to reflect God's values in this world, rather than try to be people who live religously for man's rules?

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