Thursday, September 15, 2005

Plotting along...

Have you ever felt like you are just "plotting along"? I have heard this statement many times, and quite frankly I am not sure what it means. But I think it means something about going through a period in life that seems like everything is just getting done, and not much more. I am within this period. Just plotting along.

I haven't felt much like blogging. I don't know why. I am the type of person that closes off when I get stressed, or sad, or mad. Rather than show it outwardly, I withdraw. I guess that goes for blogging as well. Don't really know what it's all about, but its me. There are times when I don't want to talk to people, and I don't want them to talk to me. Am I weird? I don't think so.

I wish I could get into the reason for my stresses. I think it would be therapuetic. However, because of some of the crowd that might read this, I can't. I do ask you for your prayers though. I need them. There will be resolution some time in the future. Until then, keep plotting along.


Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

Thanks for your prayers. We need them. It is comforting to know you have friends and family that will lift you to God with prayer. That is what sustains us.

Anonymous said...


I could relate to your "plotting" along article. I have felt a little raw lately (emotional), but ok I guess. We've had a few really hot days and the heat has been affecting me a lot (I prefer cooler days). I'm just plodding along really and I felt that your definition of plodding along as "a period in life that seems like everything is just getting done, and not much more" is about as accurate as I feel. I think I am just there now and maybe that's all I can manage. Thank God I have Christ in me.

Gina -