Tuesday, September 06, 2005


I have a friend who was in the Navy. He told me of his experiences in the 80's when he was a part of an armed conflict in the Carribbean. He told me of bombs going off, and friends losing their lives. He told me also of what it was like to come home after that tour. He said when he returned his perspective of life had changed. Everyday activities and stresses just seemed to mean so little to him. His wife had a hard time with him, because he didnt see the need in completing simple small tasks. He saw something as huge as loss of life, and war, and when he returned to the normal life, it didn't seem to be that important.

I in no way compare myself to my friend. I have never experienced anything such as these. However, I believe many of us are feeling some of the same feelings, although on a smaller scale. We have watched the images that are coming from down south; the destruction, the loss of life, and the hundreds of thousands that are suffering, and it puts things in a different perspective. The little daily things I worried about everday don't seem so important anymore. Even things that have to get done, I find myself wanting to leave behind for something more meaningful, like sheltering the homeless.

I preached a sermon from Romans 12:9-13 this Sunday. I have to be honest though, the whole time in preparing for and preaching that sermon, I wondered if it really made any difference. Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah. That is what I felt like I was saying. That is what I feel like we the church are saying. We talk and talk and talk and talk. There are times like this that make me want to shut up and not say another word. And instead of speaking, typing, or making some noise, I want to be doing. I know, talking is important, and we can encourage others to action with our words. But I feel useless right now in the light of what is needed.

Lord, help us to see what each of us can do to not be "useless", but be used where you are working.


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